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Look New You with Thread Vein Treatment

Thread Veins also referred to as spider and broken veins, are small bluish and even reddish brown lines that appear just below the skin in the legs, thighs, arms, face and other places of the body. Although these lines seem harmless, many consider their appearance as irritating as it puts them in low esteem when moving in public.
Thread veins are the smaller blood vessels in the upper layer of the skin that become dilated and visible. It can happen at any age, and in many conditions, women suffer more than men. Although there are no obvious reasons genes or hereditary factors are the most influenced reasons for having thread veins and lifestyle factors like sitting with crossed legs and wearing tight clothes and shoes also causes them to appear. However, thread vein treatment is possible and easily available at any derma clinic.

Treating Thread Veins

 thread vein treatment
 thread vein treatment

Smaller and young thread veins are easier to treat, and if unattended can become larger and grow in number. There are many different ways of treating thread veins like sclera therapy and laser therapy or a mix of both.
Laser therapy: the technique is used to deal with smaller blood vessels. Several modes of the laser are used for the treatment. Red veins closer to the surface of the skin needs the laser with smaller wavelengths, whereas, deep blue-purple veins that are deeper in the skin needs longer laser wavelengths to cure them.
Sclerotherapy: sclera therapy is needed for veins that have grown more than 4mm in length. In this treatment mode, a very small needle, smaller than a sewing needle, is used to inject a solution called sclerosant in the affected vein. Over a period of few weeks, the vein shrinks and the mark disappears permanently.

Treating Thread veins on the Face

We all understand that our face is the most critical area in our body that can directly affect our self-esteem and confidence. Thread vein treatment or broken vein treatment on the face is not all that difficult, as leaser can easily treat the ones that appear on the nose, neck, chin, and cheeks. Often these thread veins of our face is a part of rosacea, a medical condition and hence may require additional medicines to control them.

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