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Top 3 Non-Surgical Anti-Ageing Skin Treatments

Technology is so much advanced that you need not go for aesthetic surgery for petty skin treatments. There are several techniques evolving every day which are more effective and safe. Are you planning to have some anti-aging skin treatments? Wart Removals and Dermal Fillers are enough to bring a major change for you. Know here some more nonsurgical techniques. 

Liquid Facelift
One of the major causes of aging is losing muscles with advancing age. Dermal Fillers are injected under the skin to fill in deep folds like "smile lines" or "laugh lines". They are used to create fuller lips and pad out hollow cheeks and eyes. They are good for smoothing or tightening skin and change the facial profile to a more youthful one. Some of the standard fillers are hyaluronic acid and Radiesse.

Fat Melting                    
Another major problem of aging is excess fat. Some of the chemicals is used to break the dietary fats in the digestive system. One of the naturally occurring chemicals in the body are Deoxycholic Acid. It can be injected into the body to reduce body fat in small areas. You can get this treatment in any good clinic near you. Currently, it's approved for use to reduce the fat under the chin responsible for the dreaded double chin. You can see the results with reduced fat and tightened skin. Depending on the particular patient, the number of injections or session vary.

Chemical Treatments
Warts are another result of hormonal and other changes in the body. There are several chemical treatments for Wart Removal which has been one of the most effective ways. One of the most important chemicals used in the process is Salicylic Acid. It is used to treat warts on hands, feet or knees. It is given in sessions for continued weeks or days depending on the size of the wart.
Another chemical for Wart Removal is Cantharidin. This doesn't give any pain. But, a swelling or change in the skin may be noticed after 4-8 hours. Liquid nitrogen or cryotherapy or cryosurgery is also used to completely remove a wart. These non-surgical techniques are safest measures for skin-treatment.


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