In the era of advancement, medical science has introduced multiple therapies to benefit people from getting rid of their skin problems. Today, majority of the world’s population prefer non-surgical treatments over cosmetic ones as they offer minimum side effects to the patients. People are always concerned about their skin when they enter into the third stage of their lives, as most of the imperfections develop at this phase. These problems give them an over-aging and dull appearance. Dermatologists often suggest human beings to go for skin tightening therapy to minimize aging signs like loose skin, wrinkles, etc. Procedure Before this process is initiated, a mild cream is applied on the areas which are to be treated so that the area remains numb throughout the procedure. This reduces the level of pain caused during the method. In skin tightening treatment, radiations like infrared are used over the affected areas. These waves are of extremely low frequency and hence do ...

MBA Clinics specialise in offering a range of proven, safe & highly successful medical aesthetics & beauty services (Coolsculpting, Dermal Fillers, HIFU, IPL Skin Rejuvenation, Laser Hair Removal, OBAGI Skin Treatment, Skin Tag Removal, Skin Tightening, Thread Vein Treatment & Wart Removal) at Beaconsfield, Datchet & Maidenhead locations.